Creamy Apple Cucumber Side Salad with Parsley and Chives

This refreshing Creamy Apple Cucumber side salad with fresh parsley and chives can be made in minutes and served with all sorts of good stuff, try it out.
I made different varieties of this creamy apple cucumber side salad for years. It’s quick, it’s easy to put a twist on and you can serve it with practically anything.
So I figured why not measure what I’m using for the salad and write it down so others can get a chance to make it as well. So here it is, a creamy apple cucumber side salad that can be made in minutes.
Creamy Apple Cucumber Side Salad with Parsley and Chives
serves 4 as a side salad
2 apples, Granny Smith or Golden Delicious
1 cucumber
2 tbsp yogurt, Greek style 10% fat
1 lemon
2 tsp chopped chives
2 tsp chopped parsley
Squeeze the lemon and combine with the yogurt. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the apples in slices.
Peel the cucumber. Then split it in half lengthwise. With a spoon scrape out the seeds. With it the salad will be too wet. Then slice the cucumber.
Add everything to a bowl and combine. Then chop chives and parsley and add. Transfer the salad to smaller bowls or a big one and serve.
Creamy Apple Cucumber Side Salad Serving Suggestions
Like I said, in the beginning, this side salad can be served for almost anything. Here are some of my favorite things.
- Taco Topping, works great with some spicy pork.
- Grilled or roast chicken
- Fried fish
- Chicken burgers
- Hot Dog Topping
Hope one of these will work for you and do let me know if you try it out with something else. Lastly, if you want to change the recipe or try it in a different way just go ahead. You might even make it even better. Good luck.
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