Brussel Sprouts and Apples with Butter

Brussel Sprouts and Apples with butter is a super tasty side to serve to steaks and roasts that you’ll love.
Brussel Sprouts and apples with butter is a great side to serve with that classic sunday roast, a ragu or maybe some nice roast beef. Now brussel sprouts and apples are classic sides to roasts, especially pork roasts or hams. And most of the time it is delicious but can feel a bit out of date which is a shame since both brussel sprouts and apples are both healthy and delicious.
To make things a little bit more modern I’m using the leaves of the brussel sprouts instead of using the whole sprouts. This way they are very tender but still crisp and will be a lot quicker to cook and will make even the youngest skeptics in your family happy.
The apples are cut in wedges and fried in butter, then the leaves are cooked in the same butter so they are almost just softened by the heat of the pan and butter.
Brussel Sprouts and Apples with Butter
Serves 4 as a side
15 brussel sprouts
3-4 apples
2 tbsp butter
Cut off the bottom stem of the brussel sprouts and then remove the leaves, discard any broken or bad leaves. Rinse them in water. Cut the apples in wedges and remove the core.
Heat the butter in a frying pan and add the apples, cook for a few minutes. Add the brussel sprouts and cook for just a few seconds. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.