Coffee granita with Kahlua liqueur

Coffee granita have everything any grown up needs on a hot day, ice, booze and caffeine, find out how to make it here.
This is very easy to make, all you will need is some good strong coffee, a bit of sugar and your freezer. In my recipe I added a little bit of Kahlua liqueur to make your party be just a tiny bit more entertaining, if you´re not a fan of alcohol then simply just exclude it, it will still taste great. Also, if you taste the granita before it is frozen don’t be afraid if it seems to strong or sweet, you won’t feel the flavors that way once it is frozen. Good luck.
Coffee granita with Kahlua liqueur
4 parts strong brewed coffee or espresso, warm
1 part sugar
1/3 part Kahlua liqueur
This recipe is made in parts, so simply change to however much you’ll need, like cups, tablespoons, liters.
Combine the coffee with the sugar and whisk until the sugar has dissolved, add the liqueur. Pour the liquid into a wide container that will fit in your freezer, use something plastic and check if it fits before filling it with the liquid. Let it sit in the freezer for about one hour, then remove and scrape the ice that has formed using a metal spoon. Return to the freezer and repeat the same process a few more times. Once completely frozen, serve in glasses.
If you want to prepare this for another night you can freeze the whole thing right away and once it´s time to serve scrape and then serve, it requires some extra muscles but it will work fine.