Crayfish lasagna with asparagus and garlic

Try this simple open faced Crayfish lasagna with asparagus and garlic.
This is barely a lasagna but since I used lasagna pasta and it is served in layers I still chose to call it a lasagna. You can of course serve it with regular pasta as well. I prepared all ingredients before cooking the pasta since the pasta is a central ingredient in the dish it would be ruined if it were to get overcooked. For the same reason it is not a good idea to make it like a regular style lasagna, the crayfish will get chewy and the asparagus overcooked.
Crayfish lasagna with asparagus and garlic
serves 4 persons
300g / 10 oz cooked crayfish tails
12 stalks of asparagus
3 cloves garlic
1,5 dl / 0.6 cups cream
1,5 dl / 0.6 cups milk
salt, pepper
olive oil
2 handfuls spinach and or other leaf vegetables
4 tbsp Parmesan cheese
12 sheets of dried lasagna pasta
Peel and slice garlic and saute in olive oil for a few minutes, add milk and cream and season with salt and pepper. Blend into a creamy garlic sauce, set aside. Rinse the spinach and drain the crayfish tails (if they were sold in liquid). Slice the asparagus and parboil in salted water. Boil the pasta until almost done (it will get done once everything is plated).
Add one layer of pasta and then add the asparagus, crayfish and then repeat for as many layers as you like. Whisk the sauce and pour on top and add a little bit of salt, pepper and grated Parmesan, serve.