How to cook Edamame Beans, and eat them

Edamame Beans have been a staple at any Sushi restaurant and Asian restaurant for years now. But they are super easy to make at home. FInd out how to cook Edamame Beans and eat them too.
We all love Edamame Beans, those green slightly crunchy and salty green beans where you actually only eat the bean inside of the skid. The beans are bright green and packed with flavor as well as protein and a bunch of other stuff you body likes.
There are many ways to serve and use the beans and it is one of these vegetables that are great frozen so you can always have some at hand for when you get an urge. Byt how to cook Edamame Beans? Don’t worry, it is super easy and we will tell you how to do it.
How to cook Edamame Beans
To make some great Edamame Beans you’ll need the following
- Edamame Beans
- Water
- Salt, a flaky sea salt works best
- Olive oil or butter
That’s it!
First bring water to a boil, add a bit of salt to the boiling water. Then add the beans and bring the water to a boil again. Remove the beans from the water and toss them in salt and olive oil or butter. They are often served without any fat at restaurants but I think just a little bit makes a huge difference. If you want to go with olive oil or butter is up to you.
This won’t make your beans very fat, you only need a little bit of fat. I usually use about 1-2 tbsp of oil for 500g / 17 oz. And remember only eat the beans, good luck.