A-Z Food Photography Project – I is for Ice Cream

The I is for Ice Cream is here and this time there was no question, it just had to be ice cream. See how things got made in the A-Z Food Photography Project – I is for Ice Cream.
Well there really never was any other option than to go with ice cream for I. Honestly I never even considered making any other food. The biggest problem with this one was getting it good enough and I’m not sure it is yet. But as I’ve been clear with from the start, this is a learning project and I’m showing both bad and good parts of it.
How it was made
I made things easy for myself and went for the setup I’ve been using a few times now. A sheet of glass with a colored paper underneath. It’s great for changing and trying different backgrounds but the glass is a bit too thick so shadows and also reflections in the glass can be an issue. What I need to get is a range of colored backgrounds that can stand up to liquids and is not to shiny, got any tips please let me know.
For the ice cream I bought a rectangular pack that I figured would be easy to cut an I out of. And that never was an issue. I simply cut a few shapes and put them together. As soon as I had finished my letter I put it back into the freezer and then set up for the photo.
First try
First I did the I and shot it against a purple background with no extra stuff. When I took the photos it felt ok but when I went through them it was just boring. So I had to remake the shot with some props.
Second try
So the second try of the I is for ice cream is the one you see here. I changed the background color because I thought it was too dark. Instead I went with yellow. I also created a frame of sprinkles that I had leftover from my daughter’s last birthday party. Then I added the ice cream I and took the shots. That’s it.
Lessons learned
As mentioned I need to look for better backgrounds. Second thing is that I need to get better at lighting. I’m still used to only shooting daylight so using lamps is a new thing. I keep running into problems and taking bad shots. Very frustrating but that is what learning is all about, in short this is what I learned with the I is for ice cream.
- Get better backgrounds that can withstand food
- Learn how to use artificial light better
- I is a boring letter
- Use more props
Ok, see you at the J.
About A-Z Photography Project at Ateriet
A-Z Photography Project is a photo project here at Ateriet and at Instagram. The idea is to photograph each letter of the alphabet and let it represent one food or something edible. I am making the project for fun and to hopefully improve on my photography skills.
You can follow the project on Instagram under the tag #atozinfood where some of these photos will be published from our Instagram for Ateriet that you’ll find at @AterietFood.
Feel free to share and contribute and come with critique about this project, just send us an email, leave a comment or connect on social media.