Try This Refreshing Lingonberry Cocktail With Gin

If you’re from Sweden it’s only natural to make drinks with what you happen to have close by. That means lingonberries, so try out this Lingonberry Cocktail with gin.
This Lingonberry Cocktail with Gin actually comes from a long story I wrote not that long ago all about the lingonberry. There you’ll learn everything you’ll need to know about this red tart berry that Swedes normally eat with their meatballs.
But maybe you don’t care about how the berry grows and a bunch of other facts. You might just be looking for a great drink. Luckily I can help in both cases. So for facts and more recipes about the lingonberry click here. If you just want a drink, keep reading.
This one is easy to make. All you’ll need is gin, ice, raw stirred lingonberries and a dash of Campari. Thanks to the fact that I’m using the liquid from the raw stirred lingonberries the balance between tart, sweet and sour gets really nice. If gin is not your favorite you can switch it for vodka. Enjoy and as always, drink responsibly.
Lingonberry Cocktail with Gin
2 oz / 6 cl gin
1 oz / 3 cl Campari
2 oz / 6 cl Lingonberry liquid from raw stirred lingonberries (details below)
2 tbsp lingonberries
1 tbsp lingonberries, for serving
Martini glass
Add all ingredients to a shaker and stir for about 30 seconds. Strain into a martini glass and add the spoonful of lingonberries for decoration.
The lingonberry liquid in the recipe is the excess liquid you’ll get when you stir fresh or frozen lingonberries with sugar. It’s a quicker variety of jam that is used the same way. This is how to make it.
Rårörda Lingonberries
All you have to do is to add fresh or frozen lingonberries to a bowl. Add sugar and stir. It is best to let the berries and sugar stand in the fridge overnight to make sure all the sugar has dissolved. It is super easy and very delicious.
The ratio of the berries and the sugar depends on how sweet you like it. I prefer to use about 2 parts lingonberries to 1 part sugar by volume. With this ratio you’ll still get a bit of the tart and sour flavor, making it delicious. As a bonus there will be some juice left that you can use for something else, maybe the lingonberry cocktail that is coming up.
The raw stirred lingonberries will keep at least for a week in kept cold and covered. If you want a great recipe to use them for I recommend my own recipe for Wallenbergare which is sort of a luxurious meatball that is commonly served in restaurants in Sweden. Instead of pork and beef veal is used and it’s served with butter, mashed potatoes, green peas, and lingonberries. Get the full recipe with all the details here.
Drink Recipes at Ateriet
Making drinks is fun and I highly recommend trying some of my recipes out. Use them as a starting point to create new and fun stuff. Some of my drinks are classics with a twist, some a real classics and some are inventions of my own. You’ll find them all here.