How To Make A Classic Negroni In A Few Simple Steps

Time to mix another classic, let’s learn how to make a classic Negroni. This now World famous drink should be in your repertoire.
How to make a classic Negroni is not rocket science, not much is really but it is especially true for the Negroni. This modern classic is as simple as it is delicious. One part gin, one part red Vermouth and one Campari. Add some ice and an orange twist and start sipping.
Before we start mixing let’s take a look on the history of the Negroni.
History of the Negroni
Most sources claim that the Negroni was first invented in Florence Italy at Caffé Casoni in 1919. The story goes like this:
Count Camillo Negroni was having an Americano but felt it needed some more strength. The Americano has soda water instead of gin. Bartender Fosco Scarselli did as told but also decided to switch the lemon peel of the Americano to an orange peel. The Negroni was born.
Like most cocktail there are some controversy to whether or not the Negroni was really invented in this way. One source claims that the drink was invented in Senegal in 1857 by Count Negroni.
How did it become so popular?
Today you’ll find the Negroni in any bar worldwide. No wonder if you think about how well balanced and tasty it is. But many drinks are so how come the Negroni became such a popular drink?
I’m guessing here but I am fairly confident that the marketing team at Campari has had a big influence on why. Every year they market a Negroni week in the US which has become sort of a big thing.
Another thing which is great for Campari about the Negroni is that is calls specifically for Campari. As for gin and vermouth there are plenty of choices but there is only one Campari.
Other reasons why it has become so popular is the still going strong gin trend and the fact that people in general have moved away from the very sweet and fruity drinks. It’s also matches the speakeasy and bitter trend perfectly.
Next, let’s mix a Negroni shall we?
How To Make A Classic Negroni
It’s as simple as it sounds.
1 oz / 3 cl gin
1 oz / 3 cl red Vermouth
1 oz / 3 cl Campari
1 big ice cube
1 old fashioned glass
1 small pitcher
1 handful of ice cubes
I like to stir my Negroni with ice. Add gin, Vermouth and Campari to the pitcher, add a handful of ice. Stir using a spoon. Add one big ice cube to a old fashioned glass. Pour in the drink without allowing any of the small ice cubes to slip in. For the orange I like to add a slice, many adds just a piece of skin so it’s up to you. Once the orange is in it’s time to start drinking. Enjoy!
Drink Recipes at Ateriet
Making drinks is fun and I highly recommend trying some of my recipes out. Use them as a starting point to create new and fun stuff. Some of my drinks are classics with a twist, some a real classics and some are inventions of my own. You’ll find them all here.
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