Sno Caps Taste Test – Time To Eat Cute Candy

Time for the Sno Caps Taste Test, cute small candies which is more or less just chocolate. But how do they taste?
Time to make a Sno Caps Taste Test. For any of you living in the US I’m sure you know this candy well. But I never seen it here in Sweden and I’m guessing there is a Sno Caps shortage in more places. So before we begin to eat let’s start with a short history of the Sno Caps.
What is Sno Caps?
Sno Caps is a semi sweet chocolate candy, the small candies are covered on one side with white sprinkles. The candy is an American classic at movie theaters and is marketed and sold by Nestlé since 1984.
But the history of Sno Caps goes further back. The candy was first introduced in the 1920’s by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company which was started in Philadelphia in 1911. Before the Sno Cap they had a different product called the Bob White which was a bigger non sprinkled chocolate.
This product what was got turned into the Sno Cap. All they did was to make it smaller and add the sprinkles.
The Blumenthal Brothers got sold to Ward Foods in 1969 because of the remaining Blumenthal’s had little interest in managing the company. Ward Foods eventually found themselves in a bad financial state and in 1984 NestlĂ© stepped in and bought the brand names, including Sno Caps.
Packaging and Design
The design for the Sno Caps is great. First I love these boxes that I really only found in the US. They are not the best at protecting the candy but they look great. The designs in white and brown, snow and big typography puts an instant smile on any face.
Sno Caps Ingredients
Kind of ok actually. Since it’s mostly chocolate its much better than most candies. Not the best I’ve seen but there has been far worse examples.
Sno Caps Taste Test Result
Not that bad, the chocolate is not top quality but that feels ok. It’s not super sweet and the texture you get from the white crunchy sprinkles work great. It is kind of neutral. In Sweden (and maybe elsewhere) we have something called Punschpralin. It looks just like a Sno Cap but is bigger and flavored with Punsch which is an Arrack liquor. They are lovely and with a touch of that flavor here Sno Caps would have been getting 5 out of 5.
But it is a bit too neutral so the score ends at 4 out of 5 which is still great. The packaging, great size and overall cuteness is what gets it there.
Name: Sno Caps
Brand: Nestlé
Bought: Walgreens, USA
Produced: USA
Taste Test at Ateriet
Taste Test at Ateriet is what it sounds like. We test food and drinks from all over the world and rate each product. The result is a grade that rates from 1-5 where 1 is bad and 5 is outstanding. This is also the only category at Ateriet where we might write down a product or brand. For any taste suggestions, opinions or if you have a product you want us to try contact us via email. For all Taste Tests check out the full coverage here.