How To Cook A Cod Head – And a Recipe To Go With It
Time to use an often discarded ingredient. Learn how to cook a cod head, and a great recipe on how...
Time to use an often discarded ingredient. Learn how to cook a cod head, and a great recipe on how...
Time for a recipe roundup with one of my favorite vegetables. The fennel or anise as it is sometimes called...
Try this twist on a classic drink, it’s the Blood Orange Manhattan. This Blood Orange Manhattan is one of the...
Try this delicious creamy sunchoke soup, I serve it with some fried parsnips, onions and salami. This creamy sunchoke soup...
Try this recipe for Pan Fried Chickpeas with Cumin, Garlic & Lemon, you won't regret it. Chickpeas is one of my...
Try these red plums that have been glazed with balsamic vinegar, parma ham and goat cheese. A great way to...
Make use of some celeriac in this recipe with roasted celeriac with scrambled eggs and a truffle salami. You’ll never...
It’s Pork Pineapple Taco Time! This one comes with a corn tortilla, black beans with jalapeno, pineapple, habanero sauce, sour...
Try this very Swedish recipe for Soused Herring and eggs on crisp bread which is also known as Gubbröra in...
Try this Green pea soup with Champagne and cream, made from frozen peas it is a quick recipe to make...